Reverend, Elder
Deborah Cofer
Pastor Deborah Cofer is founder and president of Streams in the Desert International, Inc. Deborah is an ordained minister and has ministered extensively for over 35 years. She and her husband Sandy have been married for 45 years. They have 2 children. Daughter Lee, and son Mark.
Deborah regularly ministers at churches, retreats, and conferences all over the United States and internationally. Since 2012, Deborah has been sheltering, feeding, clothing, educating and providing for 76 children and 60 widows.
She established 2 Hope Homes, a Widows home and supports a Prayer Healing Center as well as a Prayer Healing Tent Ministry. She oversees many ministries in India including several churches, open air evangelistic outreach ministries, Sunday School in the Slums, a sewing center, support to 25 pastors in tribal areas and a medical outreach. Thousands have been saved, healed and delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit and these ministries.
Deborah is also a professional artist with works in museums and permanent collections all over the world including Chrysler, North Carolina, Virginia, Sierra Nevada and El Paso Museums of Art. R. J. Reynolds Collection, and many other public and private collections. Her work was selected for exhibition by the Smithsonian and included in a three year tour across the United States and the Museum of Modern Art in Lisbon, Portugal.